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At Work        Updated on 2014.05.29

1 frame at work

I would like to introduce my daily work.

compost mulch

At Suzuki Farm, we do not use vinyl mulch, which is convenient and inexpensive. Instead, mulch with a thick layer of compost in the rows.
It can be expected to have weed-preventing effects, gentle fertilizing effects, and moisturizing effects. It can also provide a home for small animals.

It is an excellent product as it will eventually decompose if you just plow it in after harvesting.

Compost mulch is full of good things, but its drawbacks are that it requires a large amount of compost and the amount of work is incredible (^-^;)

Pot raising (example of eggplant)

At Suzuki Farm, we grow vegetables from seeds, but we also raise seedlings of fruit vegetables such as cucumbers, eggplants, and tomatoes.


This is how to transplant from a sowing box to a pot.

Cultivation of lettuce (seeding to planting)

At Suzuki Farm, lettuce grows well. If left unharvested, it will grow to over 1 meter in size, bloom, and set seeds. I collected the seeds (I collected them myself) and sowed them. There are no major problems with germination rate.


This is the process from sowing seeds to planting in the field.

Home-grown cucumber seeds

Crops that produce fruit, such as cucumbers and eggplants, are relatively easy to self-seed.

Simply put, all you have to do is pick ripe fruits, wash them, clean them, and dry them.

Making bokashi fertilizer

Bokashi is made by mixing rice bran, okara, dashi husk, etc. and fermenting it. We believe that fermentation creates fertilizer that is relatively easy for plants to absorb.


At Suzuki Farm, we sometimes apply a very small amount of fertilizer at the appropriate time during the cultivation period.

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